About Beth Ann Ziarnik

Author of Inspirational Romantic Suspense Her Deadly Inheritance available at Amazon.com, barnesandnoble.com, Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas, and through your local bookstore.

Are Magazines an Endangered Species?

Not at my house! I subscribe to three magazines and can hardly wait for the next issue to arrive.

Especially Our Wisconsin with its gorgeous full-color photos and all things Wisconsin. Like our fascinating everyday people, interesting places to visit, and I-didn’t-know-that doings. Not to mention Wisconsin recipes, easy contests anyone can enter, themed puzzles, and more. It’s a fun, reader-interactive magazine. And …

A surprise arrived in this latest issue. A touching piece written my friend Linda Holtger. It appeared on a My Favorite Teacher page along with pieces by three other authors. Linda wrote about Miss Hodges, “a remarkable woman who changed my life” by helping Linda, then a child in elementary school, overcome a speech impediment.

Another favorite magazine is Guideposts. I love stories of people facing life’s challenges with the help of God. Don’t you?

I’m also finding Decision Magazine a big help. Only 42 pages, yet what a great encouragement in today’s world. It’s published by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and includes news and views, past and present. My women’s Bible study group is currently using its August/July issue’s Building Faith feature written by Anne Graham Lotz. “Getting Serious” is a right-on, three-part study of 2 Timothy 4.

So … I’m curious. What favorite magazines make a difference in your life? (Let’s give a cheer for those magazines that give us ideas, encourage and uplift us, and improve the quality of our lives.)

Reader Power … Use It!

You have power! Every time you tell others about a book you just read, you exercise POWER. You just helped another reader discover that amazing book you read. Yes! Your opinion counts!

Okay … enough of the exclamation marks. But I wanted you to know how truly important your comments are on Facebook, Amazon, Goodreads, and Twitter.

Just little ol’ you? Absolutely!

85% of readers searching the Internet trust online recommendations. That means readers count on you to tell them what you thought of that last book you read.

That’s POWER!

Here’s the secret to using your power. Now stay with me here because I’m about to say something scary: Write a review. Doesn’t that just bring back those awful memories of writing and reciting book reviews in school? But I promise you … it’s much easier to write an online review.

All you do is jot down a few words telling what you honestly thought of the book.

Like this recent reader comment about Her Deadly Inheritance: “WOW! Great Read! The suspense, romance, mystery, and the call to trust God were all there. I stuck to the story like glue…”

Or this recent reader comment about Her Deadly Reunion: “Thrilling & Heartwarming! A very intriguing and heartwarming story filled with God’s love, forgiveness & grace. I couldn’t wait to return to it each time I put the book down!”

Yup! That’s all there is to it.

And …

The reader searching for a next great book or new author will thank you. The author will thank you. The publisher will thank you. Your book club will thank you. Talk about being popular, right?

Ready to get started? Join me over at Amazon books or Goodreads to write a review.

This month I’ve written a review about DiAnn Mills Burden of Proof and am about to write reviews for The Texas Rancher’s Return by Allie Pleiter and The Rancher’s Homecoming by Arlene James. As soon as I finish reading Rescue Me by Susan May Warren, I’ll pop over to write another brief review.

It’s easy and fun! So come along. Jump in and be a blessing.


Dear faithful friends and fans, is something missing? Not at all, But I do want to share exciting news with you!

To better serve you, my new website is becoming a reality.
If you go to bethziarnik.com, you will see the notice “Coming Soon” — this site will soon be incorporated with the new site.

What that means for you:

* You will find my blog and a host of other goodies for readers and writers of Christian romantic suspense at one location.

* The newsletter I’ve been promising you will soon be available. If you haven’t already signed up for it, be sure to do so as soon as the new website goes live.

Just wanted to give you a heads up, folks! I will announce the new website when it goes live so that you can see what’s happening, and sign up for both the blog and newsletter. Let’s stay in touch!

See you soon!

Meet Historical Romance Author Susan G. Mathis

What a delight to welcome historical romance author Susan G Mathis. Readers of her recently released Katelyn’s Choice are calling it “a gripping story” and “a must read.”

Susan, you’ve been successful as a nonfiction author. Why did you turn to writing fiction?

I swore I’d never write fiction, but never say never! My hubby and I went to a book talk/signing, and after we left, I jokingly said, “I could write a story about a quilt!” I then proceeded to tell him the entire story, and he said, “Well, write it!” Thus began my journey of writing historical fiction, and I’ve found my playground. Creating memorable characters, weaving a meaningful story around history, and using my imagination for God’s glory simply thrills me to my toes!

Tell us about the Thousand Islands series and explain the Gilded Age.

The Gilded Age is the period from 1870-1910, just after the Civil War and before World War I. It is characterized by the expansion of the Industrial Revolution, growth in the economy, and unfortunately lots of social problems.

The Thousand Islands Gilded Age begins in 1872 when George Pullman invited President Grant to his island for a vacation. After this, the rich and famous bought islands and built grand castles, mansions, and elegant cottages. Think of it as a Downton Abbey meets the St. Lawrence River.

You’ve made several trips to the islands for research. How did you choose the Thousand Islands as the setting for your series?

A few years ago my husband and I visited Wolfe Island, Pullman Island, and Singer Castle on Dark Island. We met some wonderful people who kept the intriguing Thousand Island history deep in their hearts, and I gleaned all kinds of valuable information and made special friends in the process. My historical editor is the president of the Thousand Islands Historical Association and a Thousand Islands author herself. Seeing and experiencing the area as I wrote made my writing come to life, and my historical editor keeps the history accurate.  

Katelyn’s Choice is the first book in the series. What’s it about?

Katelyn Kavanagh’s mother dreamed her daughter would one day escape the oppressive environment of their Upstate New York farm for service in the enchanting Thousand Islands, home to Gilded Age millionaires. But when her wish comes true, Katelyn finds herself in the service of none other than the famous George Pullman, and the transition proves anything but easy. Thomas O’Neill, brother of her best friend, is all grown up and also working on Pullman Island. Despite Thomas’ efforts to help the irresistible Katelyn adjust to the intricacies of her new world, she just can’t seem to tame her gossiping tongue—even when the information she’s privy to could endanger her job, the 1872 re-election of Pullman guest President Ulysses S. Grant, and the love of the man of her dreams.

Your books always have a strong Christian component. What subtle teaching will we find in Katelyn’s Choice?

The power of the tongue to hurt or harm, bring life or death, pain or joy. And always—redemption!

How do you decide on your characters and their names for your books?

Katelyn is simply an Irish name I’ve always liked, and because I have a strong Irish thread in all my stories, Thomas, Shamus, and McCarthy are also Irish names of my characters.

Do you have another book coming soon?

Book Two of the Thousand Islands Gilded Age series comes out in April 2020. It’s called Devyn’s Dilemma and here’s a summary of the story:

Twenty-year-old Devyn McKenna is nervous about working on Dark Island in the imposing Castle called The Towers, a 28-room structure complete with dungeons, underground passageways, and castle secrets. Devyn struggles to find the self-confidence she needs to carry out her duties as a housemaid in the summer home of the wealthy president of the Singer Sewing Machine Company, Frederick Bourne. As she serves the likes of Brig. Gen. Cornelius Vanderbuilt III and others, her curiosity for learning grows. But when she’s accused of stealing Bourne’s investment money for expanding the NYC subway, her faith is tested like never before.

About the Author:

Susan G. Mathis is a multi-published author of both nonfiction and fiction. She’s a former editor/editorial director of twelve Focus on the Family publications and has served as founding editor of Thriving Family magazine. She’s currently vice president of Christian Authors Network (CAN), a member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW), Advanced Writers and Speakers Association (AWSA), and Evangelical Press Association (EPA). Susan makes her home in Colorado Springs and enjoys traveling globally, having visited more than forty countries. Her latest fiction series is set in her childhood stomping ground, the beautiful Thousand Islands in upstate New York.

How you can learn more about Susan:

Website: www.SusanGMathis.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SusanGMathis

Twitter: https://twitter.com/@SusanGMathis

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/susangmathis

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/susangmathisaut

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6044608.Susan_G_Mathis

Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/108568340293012416399

A Joke on Me!

“You called me to write, Lord, but nobody wants my stuff. I guess I’m just not good enough.” I pushed my manuscripts aside and grabbed my car keys. Maybe hanging around the Christian Book Nook for a while would cheer me up. 

Unfortunately, my downcast mood followed me. In the store, I drifted wistfully past the novels and began picking half-heartedly through the devotional books. One pierced my blue funk with a spark of interest. I read the first devotional, sampled one in the middle, and turned to the end of the book. The last piece quickly pulled me in. I devoured it.

“Wow, Lord, if only I could write as well as this author, I’d really be getting somewhere!”

I flipped back a page to the byline. Really? I began to chuckle. The joke was on me. I had been admiring my own piece!

Yes, I still have a lot to learn. Writing and marketing manuscripts isn’t easy. But these days when I’m tempted to feel depressed about my progress, I remember how God once encouraged me with—of all things—my own writing.

After all, if the God who called us to write believes in us, who are we to doubt?

Broken Ankles: Pain & Gain

Dear Friends, in case you were wondering … After breaking both ankles in mid-September, I could do little for quite a while. But as of Monday — yea! — I’m well again. And deeply grateful to the Lord and the long list of kind people who made recovery possible.

So, what did I learn from this experience? (We are told that we learn from every experience, right?)

  • Walking on broken ankles, even with the aid of therapy boots and a walker, is painful! But then, pain often interrupts our everyday lives. It’s what we do with it that makes the difference.
  • God walks with us through those painful parts of our lives. And, if we let him, he provides others who are willing to help. Like the neighbor who abandoned a big football game on TV to take me to the hospital. Hospital and rehab center staff who were positive angels of compassionate care during those first two weeks. Church family and friends who rushed to visit and pray. And brought gifts and cards to cheer me. Family and friends who equipped my house for safety before I went home to finish recovering. Friends who stayed with me around the clock for two days until my sister-in-law could fly in from Florida to care for me for three weeks. Other out-of-state family who surprised me by visiting in person for a few days. I could go on, but you get the picture.
  • We may lose a lot, but we gain even more. I had to cancel attendance at a major writing conference in Nashville, a multi-author book signing sponsored by a Christian bookstore, and a major speaking engagement. Surprise! … I learned from nurses and therapists that my body drained energy from the rest of it to invest in healing my ankle bones. No wonder I felt tired and foggy much of the time! But through it all, I learned I could persist and work toward wholeness with God’s help and the help of others.
  • Though it seems impossible, the pain eventually comes to an end. It may take days, months, years. I know. Less than two weeks into rehab, I wept, fearful the pain might never end. That I might never recover. But the old adage is true: “This, too, shall pass.” At the right time and in the right way as we lean on the Lord.

Whatever you are going through, you are not alone. The Lord is with you, and he cares. With his help, determine to keep inching toward wholeness. Lean on him and wait for his right timing for your pain to end. It will come to pass! Every time.

Party Day!

TODAY IS PARTY DAY! Chat with eleven authors, compete for prizes, have lots of fun. Not too late to join us. Starts at 5:00/4:00/3:00/2:00, depending on your time zone.

I’m on at 6:30 CST. Hope to see you there!

Go to : https://www.facebook.com/events/351863802057231/

Release Day! Interviewing Jill and Clay

Woot! It’s release day for Her Deadly Reunion, and I’m interviewing Jill and Clay to find out how they’re feeling about this latest adventure in their lives.

So Jill and Clay, I’m glad to have you with us on this exciting day! We know you two met and came to love each other in the first book, Her Deadly Inheritance. What did you hope to accomplish in this second story in your series?

Jill (sitting on my couch next to Clay): At my birth father’s invitation, I went to Milwaukee to meet him, hoping finally to know the loving father-daughter relationship I longed for all my life. But I arrived to find he might not have long to live. My heart broke, knowing we might have so little time. And discovering someone might be trying to kill him frightened me into action. Not the first Christmas I had envisioned with him.

And how about you, Clay?

Clay (with his arm around Jill): I went with Jill to give her the support she would need. But also with big plans to make our first Christmas special. I intended to include her father in my plans, if he was willing. Never had I experienced so many obstacles. And danger? I wasn’t sure any of the three of us would escape the deadly trap a killer had set for us. Jill is right–this was not the beautiful Christmas we expected until ….

Obviously all turned out well, since you two are here today and healthy.

Clay (smiling at Jill): Yes, Jill and I–with God’s help–make a good team.

You sure do. But now that this second adventure is over, what good news can readers expect in your future?

Jill: Clay leaves soon to renovate a historic hotel in Port au Prince, Haiti, and I will join him the last two weeks to finish plans for our wedding on Easter morning.

That is good news! You’re not expecting any more difficulties, are you?

Jill and Clay smile and shrug their shoulders, and I don’t blame them. Trouble does seem to find them wherever they go!

It likely won’t be different in the third book in their series,Her Deadly Vows.


Dear Reader, if you have any questions for Jill and Clay, please let me know, and I’ll ask them.

“Merry Christmas” Morning?

Believe it or not! We woke up to a “Merry Christmas” morning today. A bit early … as it’s early November yet … but hey! It’s beautiful and MOST APPROPRIATE.

Why? Because …

Believe it or not, in just seven days Her Deadly Reunion releases! And … it has a Christmas setting in beautiful Wisconsin.  With all the celebration and snow tucked into Jill and Clay’s continuing romance. And heart-stopping suspense as they race to outwit a yet another killer.

You’ve been asking for this sequel to Her Deadly Inheritance (Thank you so very much!). So here’s your chance to grab a copy. Go to Amazon or order it through your local bookstore. And enjoy!

Blessings to you all … and Merry Christmas (when it arrives)!

Take a Look! ACFW Exciting New Releases: November 2018

Need something great to read? Take a look at three romantic suspense releases just posted on ACFW’s Fiction Finder, select and enjoy!

Romantic Suspense:

Tell Her No Lies by Kelly Irvin — After Nina Fischer is accused of murdering her uncle and adopted father, she must unlock deadly family secrets in order to clear her name and learn to trust love again. (Romantic Suspense from HarperCollins Christian Publishing)

North by Starlight by Diane and David Munson — Attorney Madison Stone hurries to help her client Jordan Star defeat a mysterious relative who claims a share in his inheritance, and during the Christmas season Maddie learns to leave past regrets behind her, embrace the warmhearted people of Starlight, and dig deep to find her true heart. (Romantic Suspense from Micah House Media)

Her Deadly Reunion by Beth Ann Ziarnik — What will it cost an estranged daughter when she meets her birth father at his home and discovers it’s a dangerous place to mix past and present? (Romantic Suspense from Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas)


Follow this link, and you will find more November releases in other genre categories like:

  • contemporary romance
  • contemporary women’s fiction
  • historical
  • historical mystery
  • historical romance
  • speculative
  • thriller/suspense