Some Thoughts on Losing Weight

“It’s not so much how much you weigh,
as it is how much you obey.”

I found comfort in those words because, as my friends and family know, I’m no skinny Minnie. Would I like to be slender again? Yes!

Am I expecting it to happen anytime soon? No.

So why did that little poem pop into my mind while once again I ragged on myself over those extra pounds and ample inch-pinchings? I stopped to think. And came to a conclusion.

That little poem is akin to something Dad used to repeat while I was a child in elementary school.

“I don’t care about the rest of your grades
as long as you get A’s in conduct and effort.”

Well, hey! Any time we concentrate on behaving and give our best effort to learning, good grades follow. Right?

Likewise, obeying God’s law of love brings peace. So the things that stress and drive us to eat for comfort should ease off .. .along with those extra pounds.

Eyes on obedience … not the scale. Hmm. It’s a thought … maybe worth a try.

What do you think? 


A Writer’s Life: Fall Fun!

While I’m furiously at work on the new novel, attempting to get it ready to release next year, for sure record breaking fall fun is all around us!

Gardens. How about this heirloom tomato? Measuring 6 inches long by 5 inches wide and 4 inches fat, it’s a gift from my next door neighbors and good friends. Jackie and Dennis cleaned out their 2017 garden and brought over this last luscious beauty. Bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwiches, anyone?

Bugs. Rick stopped over yesterday to power wash my house. “Mom, you’ve got a major infestation of box elder bugs!” Major understatement, my son. Can anyone say, “Guinness Book of Records”? If I had the patience to count these nasty nuisances, this year’s “crop” would make its record breaking pages easily. When I told Dave, who will spray my house and yard next week, he just laughed. “Not a one will be found when I’m done.” Oh well … so much for my chance to appear in the Guinness Book of Records.


Driveways. Isn’t the blacktop apron of my driveway pitiful??? The one good thing about it is that when the back tires hit that dip, I know my car is safe while I run across the road to grab the newspaper. And the good news? I’m arranging to have it fixed. Hopefully before winter.

Now admit it. You picture authors enjoying this cushy at-home job with a hot cup of coffee nearby while peacefully writing marvelous stories and witty social media. Okay, that’s what I thought until my first novel released. Now I know writers lead normal lives that need attention on a daily basis just like yours.

As for “marvelous stories and witty social media,” let’s not go there. We do our best and hope it delights you. Oh, and did I mention that <cringe> I never got into drinking coffee? (My apologies to all who love the this aromatic brew.)

All that said, I do love writing … and chatting with readers. Absolutely!

Your turn: What’s happening with you this fall as you prepare for winter?